Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moxie Metal Rail Jam

This past weekend Sugarbush Parks hosted the Moxie Metal Rail Jam, and it was surly one to remember. The weather was amazing and there were plenty of Moxie Energy drinks to go around. The Rail Jammers were all hungry to win that $300 grand prize and were ready to throw down. All participants killed it and by the end of jam the judges had a hard decision to make. Luke Haddock and John Lyke ended up tying for third place and Chris Rotax ended up grabbing a close second. The man who took it all home was Jeff DeForge. This kid slayed it all day with super consistent runs and flawless style. As the rail jam came to an end no one wanted to go home and participants and spectators ended up cruising the Sunny D lift until closing. As the day came to an end every one on the hill seemed like they had a blast. The day was an overall success and I just want to give a huge shout out to the Sugarbush Staff. You guys have been slaying it all year and I’m sure I can speak for the whole Sugarbush community in saying that we all can’t wait till next year's season. Thanks for a great season.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Stickers Get Sicker

This will be a new weekly installment to Madness on the Mountains. During the second week of March a couple of buddies and myself worked at the 2011 Burton US Open as “peddlers” in the US Open tents. During the week we were required to hand out stickers and free swag to all spectators. Of course we kept some of the goodies for ourselves. Collectively we realized that we all had a ton of the bumper stickers left. Therefore, each week I am going to release 2-3 of the stickers for online viewing so that everyone who couldn't attend won’t miss out. Burton really killed it this year guy and I hope you will all enjoy.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Could You Ask For 2 Better Days at Loon?

The East Coast On Snow Demo this year took place at the one and only Loon Mountain located in Lincoln, NH. This event attracted hundreds and hundreds of eagerly awaiting shop employees that were all waiting to see next year’s 2012 product lines. With all of the edgy new snowboards and hardgoods, shop employees couldn't wait to strap into the products and start taking turns down the mountain. If the overwhelming amount of new product on hill wasn't enough to get the shop employees pumped about the event, the weather sure was. Over the course of the events two days the weather was 45 degrees and blue bird. On the East Coast you really can't ask for better weather conditions. To say the least the atmosphere was super positive and everyone really seemed like they were having a blast. At the end of first demo day sprits were high and Loon Mountain even provided shop employees with a little treat by having an under the lights wall ride contest, followed by a free buffet, and a Red Bull after party. By the end of the first day it seemed like no one wanted the party to end. The second day ended up being just as beautiful as the first. It was sunny and warm and no one really wanted to leave. All good things have to come to an end though. This event was one for the ages and not one person wasn't sporting a smile by the end of it all. Everyone at the event said their goodbyes to Loon and left town with a lot of great memories and stories to tell the shops. Now all there is to do is patiently wait to have a blast at next years On Snow Demo. Thank you Loon you guys killed it this year!